What I Do

(And most important, what I can do for you)

You have something to say. I can help you effectively say it. Friend, your adventure in jump-off-the-page content starts right here.

I write story-driven content that honors the diverse experiences, perspectives and challenges of women and Black and brown communities, and I love projects that allow me to help advance conversations about diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice and all of their complex intersections. Examining issues around race, gender, class and culture makes my heart flutter, particularly related to people who have been chronically under-voiced in the mainstream media. That passion comes across in my work.



I’m a conversational storyteller and conscientious writer who handles people and their stories with care and respect. It’s been a secret-weapon superpower to help me distill and humanize the sometimes complex facts, details and data of reporting. I write features, case studies, essays, profiles and long-form articles. And I once conducted an interview in a mosh pit at a Method Man concert.

Black-Centered Copywriting

Stock images of brown people are cool and all, but putting DEI into real-world action starts with your content. What will you say? How will you say it? Reclaim your time from the struggle cycle of brainstorming, drafting and re-re-rewriting. I specialize in copywriting that resonates with Black consumers, particularly Black women. Because DEI is just another acronym if you aren’t creating content that uniquely speaks to your target audience.

Line Editing & Copyediting

If you’ve wondered, “Should I hire an editor?” there’s a 95% chance that you should. Editing is more than cleaning up spelling boo-boos and correcting your reckless use of homonyms. It streamlines and polishes the thoughts you’re working to convey in the clearest, most compelling way. Hire me. Hire someone else. Just pretty please, hire an editor to beautify your copy and make it as strong as it can be.

Samples of my work await you one click away.